Thursday, September 20, 2012

Colds Colds Go Away

I always find it interesting that our "wellness" visit is followed by illness. For example, last week we took both boys to the doctor for checkups. We are always careful not to allow Benjamin to play with the "sick" toys at the doctor's office. Unfortunately, there are no toys on the "well" side,  so we have to settle for parenting magazines. Once we get in the examination room, we have to read the children's books because there are only a few pictures in the parenting magazine that interest two year old boys. I know, I know, I should be proactive and bring my own books, but I didn't. In fact, I really don't want to take my books there because we don't need anymore germs on them.

Anyway, we went to the doctor Wednesday and Benjamin got the Flumist which may have played a part in all this sickness. Benjamin started with a runny nose that turned into a cold which he is still fighting. David came home Thursday night with the cold and after several nights of Nyquil began to feel better, until yesterday when everything got worse. He visited his doctor today and found out that he is suffering from bronchitis and a sinus infection.

 Fortunately Jeremiah and I have been spared so far. I have had mild headaches and a sore throat off and on that could probably be attributed to seasonal allergies. Jeremiah has been a little stopped up, but it has not seemed to bother him.

Benjamin has no appetite so meal time is a struggle. David has an increased appetite and could eat a whole loaf of bread if I made it into grilled cheese sandwiches. I am trying to keep David from touching anything to stop the spread of this thing, but I really miss having one person in this house that could fix their own plate and pour their own drink.

Last night was the first night that Benjamin slept through the night without waking up for medicine. David was prescribed hydrocodone, so he could probably sleep until Monday. Hopefully with a few more nights of rest, everyone will feel better.

I have already gone over the house with Lysol earlier in the week. I think the next step would be to clear the house of all people and set off a bomb. Do they sell Lysol bombs? I should make one. I am going stir crazy waiting for everyone to get well so we can get out of the house!
In fact, we will probably break out tomorrow and head to the park. We need fresh air to maintain sanity! 

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