Wednesday, November 14, 2012


I have been pretty quiet on here lately. I have been dealing with some things and I just haven't felt the liberty to share. I will say that right now, I am confused. I am seeking for wisdom and waiting for God to work. I have once heard it said, that when you can't see God working on the outside that He is working behind the scenes.
Please pray with me that I will get through this valley and these circumstances will bring Glory to God.

 'God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him' - John Piper

I heard John Piper's message on this several years ago and I still find myself pondering this statement. At first glance I really thought this was inappropriate. Our satisfaction should have nothing to do with God's glory. We should seek His will and forsake our desires.
Then I think of  "Delight thyself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart."
And I remember truths I learned in Bible studies, God created us for His good pleasure, He sings over us, He loves me with a protective, hand-stretching, arm-reaching kind of love.
I guess I would have understood the statement better if it had sounded like this.

When we are most satisfied in Him, He will be most glorified in us.

I want that. I want my face to shine with God's glory.

Dear Lord, Help me to be Satisfied in You, Content in You, Confident in You and You alone.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Jeremiah: 6 months

Jeremiah turned 6 months on Thursday!
He is growing so fast! At 6 months, Jeremiah weighs 20.3 pounds (only 10 lb less than brother.)
Jeremiah is 27 inches long.
He is eating everything from last month plus zucchini, pears, white potatoes, and carrots.
He rolls everywhere. He can prop himself up on his fore arms. He likes to do the skydiver and swim.
He laughs all the time. He flirts.
He still has no teeth but he is drooling and gnawing on everything he can get his hands on.
He enjoys being carried in the carrier strapped to mama. He doesn't sit still unless he is asleep.
He takes three naps a day and sleeps all night.
I love this baby stage!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Jeremiah :5 Months

I am exactly a month late in posting Jeremiah's 5 month update, but I couldn't skip it.
This is our precious boy at 5 months old.

At 5 months old, Jeremiah sleeps from 9:30pm  to 8:00am.
He takes three naps a day.  His morning and afternoon nap last around two hours. He takes a catnap in the evening for about thirty minutes.
He is eating cereal, sweet potatoes, green beans, peas, squash, and apples.
He has a bottle with every meal and one before bedtime.
He loves attention. He does not like to play by himself. He has no teeth yet.
He laughs alot. He is very loud and he likes to squeal.
He celebrated his five month birthday by rolling over from back to belly.  

This is his look of accomplishment.
We love you Jeremiah!